From Ayadh 8th June 2011

I have written many emails since email was introduced into our lives, but I would classify this as probably one of the most difficult email I could ever pen my feelings and write at one go. In the late 70's, your dad and I were best friends. (Of course that was before he met your lovely Mom). We were bachelors and we had just one thing in mind. I am not going to elaborate on that. But those were the best memories of my earlier days that I can remember. Maybe (Chris and Dan) I can tell you'll some of the naughty stories. I wrote a book (nothing great to write home about) and your dad had a nice role in it. In fact the character was also named Richard, and cracked his 'gonor here' and 'fukawi' jokes. Then sort of, our careers and lives took us to different paths, however, meeting Mum and Dad again a few years ago, rekindled our friendship and we did plan to meet now and then and share valuable moments together. Sadly he will be greatly missed and the vacuum that this great gentleman, proud father and an all-to-all fun giving person will be impossible to fill. Please understand that I am also family, and please do keep in touch and please do come and stay over with us whenever you are in Dubai.