From Ken and Maggie 8th June 2011

Our objective in deciding to retire to Spain 6 years ago was not only to live in the sun but also to meet new friends and develop a varied and enjoyable social life. When we met Richard, a few months after we arrived here, we hit the jackpot on both counts. What a character!! We loved his zany sense of humour and even learned to accept his terribly corny jokes. It was because of his scatty outlook on life, and his always windswept hair, that Maggie nicknamed him, with great affection, The Mad Professor. The name stuck even after he turned up with a No. 1 crew cut and a gold ring in his ear. We soon discovered that, in our previous working lives, we had a lot in common. We not only both worked in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, albeit not at the same time, but our companies both had the same Saudi sponsors. The Jeddah law firm of Hassan Mahasani. We spent many hours reminiscing about the trials and tribulations of living and working in the Middle East. I must say Richard’s stories of life in the Arabian desert certainly outshone mine. Whenever Richard and Jean came out to their place in the sun we knew we were in for a few days of fun and laughter. We remember meals in, meals out (mostly Chinese) and many a pleasant hour spent simply demolishing the odd bottle (or 3 or 4) of vino tinto. One invitation to “Casa Coles” sticks in the memory. Together with our friends Mary and Roy we were invited to a roof top BBQ. When we arrived, Jean was busy in the kitchen preparing all sorts of salad dishes and other delicacies whilst Richard was on the roof trying to light the BBQ. It soon became obvious that Richard, whatever his other talents, would never make an arsonist. After half an hour he had barely raised a puff of smoke, so Roy and I very tactfully suggested that he promote himself to the position of Wine Waiter and leave us to do the dirty work. Richard took to his new post with his usual gusto, so much so that by the time the food was served, we were all in danger of falling off the roof. We spent several hours enjoying fabulous food, copious amounts of wine, telling silly jokes (that was mostly Richard) and watching a huge full moon rising over The Sierra Maigmo. WONDERFUL STUFF. Richard, we will miss you. Thank you for enriching our lives.